The enemies and allies of the Return of the Runelords Adventure Path come to life on your tabletop! Each has its own abbreviation and identification number for easy sorting. The Return of the Runelords Pawn Collection includes:
Small (and Smaller) |
- Chief Cheektooth
- Corla
| - Hallowed Lynx (6)
- Ivory Sentinel (2)
| - Nighteye
- The Melted (8)
| - Reefclaw (2)
- Zinlun
Medium |
- Alden Tilaresk
- Apostle of Pain (2)
- Asura, Adhukait Jailer (3)
- Asura, Japalisura
- Audrahni
- Boag-Hok
- Chaos Beast of Gholz
- Choking Shade
- Chronogeist
- Clockwork Assassin
- Corstela Rostrata
- Damil Russo
- Dhanishti
- Dith-Ka
- Dolland Reggelore
- “Elbows” Eddi
- Emerald Guard (2)
- Erigantus
- Fate Irii
- Fortune Irii
| - Hira Doss
- Horned Fang Bruiser (2)
- Horned Fang Gangster (4)
- Hound of Tindalos (2)
- Isiah Kalynn
- Jana Gildersleeves
- Kantulin
- Karrigan Patch
- Karzoug’s Soul
- Kelhuud (2)
- Kyton, Apostle (2)
- Kyton, Libitinarii (3)
- Leptonia
- The Librarian
- Lullaby Vancaskerkin
- Lyraesia
- Maga Szuul
- Medusa Archer (2)
- Mother Nightthrush
- Mozamer
| - Mutant Hungry Flesh
- Og-Zeugus
- Order Initiate (4)
- Order Philosopher (4)
- Peacock Spirit Cultist (4)
- Peacock Spirit Priest (4)
- Reborn Brother (4)
- Roadkeeper (2)
- Runelord Alaznist
- Runelord Angothane
- Runelord Belimarius
- Runelord Krune
- Runelord Sorshen
- Runelord Thybidos
- Runelord Xanderghul
- Runelord Zutha
- Shadow Librarian
- Shadow Servant (2)
- Sinspawn Slayer (2)
- Sir Roderic
| - Solethex Sarn
- Srishrin Tham
- Steward of Stethelos (Old)
- Steward of Stethelos (Young)
- Sumsarru
- Sursha Antefalle
- Tearvault Guardian (2)
- Tiane Vaneir
- Time Flayer
- Tolm Nexiria
- Viralane Barvisai
- Vola Adurusk
- Wilkexyne
- Xoxl
- Yamasoth Cultist (5)
- Ysyyr
- Zeralisce
- Zerrund
- Zurea Salvus
Large |
- Balor
- Breath of Ibdurengian
- Death Worm
- Ecorche (2)
- Effigy of Xiren
- Golem, Clockwork (2)
| - Golem, Gold (2)
- High Justice
- Kasmalogg
- Kyton, Interlocutor (3)
- Old Haanshu
- Qlippoth, Thulgant (2)
| - Qlippoth, Vexenion (2)
- Shriezyx Queen
- Siktempora, Misery
- Sinister Sphinx (2)
- Tawil at’Umr
- Temporal Crawler, Giant (4)
| - Time Dimensional
- Tuirziaz
- War Marshal Yahar
- Woaerym
- Xanesha
Huge |
- Dragon, Adult Rift (2)
- Dunkleosteus
| - The Forester
- Giant, Inverted (2)
| - Lady Wollnoxe
- Mother of Oblivion
| - Ninuron
- Portal to Yad Iagnoth